China is deploying soldiers to Russia for the “Vostok” exercise

China is deploying soldiers to Russia for the “Vostok” exercise

China – Chinese soldiers will be going to Russia for the militiary excercise, known as ‘Vostak‘. Countries are taking part; India, Belarus, Mongolia, Tajikistan and other countries.

China’s part in the joint exercises was “unrelated to the current international and regional situation”, the ministry said in a statement.

Moscow declared plans to hold “Vostok” (East) exercises from Aug. 30 to Sept. 5.

Last such exercises had done in 2018, at that time China took part in the fist time.

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“The aim is to deepen practical and friendly cooperation with the armies of participating countries, enhance the level of strategic collaboration among the participating parties, and strengthen the ability to respond to various security threats,” stated.

Such military excercise is really importent for the political and economical devlopment for the every country.

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