Smriti Inrani Vs Adhir Ranjan Chowhdury

Smriti Inrani Vs Adhir Ranjan Chowhdury

During Question Hour in the Lok Sabha, Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury, a leader of the Congress, and Smriti Irani, the Union Minister for Women and Child Development, engaged in a low-key verbal brawl.

The incident started when the minister used the term “gentleman” rather than “honourable member” when responding to a question on her department from BJD member Chandra Sekhar Sahu.

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When Chowdhury and a few other members protested to this and requested that the minister refer to the MP as a “honourable member,” Irani responded that Chowdhury was making a big deal out of nothing in an effort to appease his political masters and gain favour.

Sonia Gandhi, a former leader of the Congress, was present in the Lok Sabha at the time.

I want to notify this gentleman (referring to Chowdhury) that his message has reached his political masters, Irani remarked, adding that there was nothing improper with the word “gentleman.”

Irani conveyed her gratitude to the BJD member when he addressed her as “honourable madam” during the second supplemental question.

Irani responded that the Congressman’s interruption of her was a political ploy because the BJD member had been respectful of her.


The incident started when the minister used the term “gentleman” rather than “honourable member” when responding to a question on her department from BJD member Chandra Sekhar Sahu.


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